This OFQUAL regulated qualification provides learners with an introduction to the knowledge needed to work as cabin crew. You will develop your understanding of the cabin crew role and the work involved, including the duties carried out by cabin crew in the crew room.
It supports this by giving you the underpinning knowledge and opportunity to develop some of the skills necessary to support working as a member of cabin crew.
This qualification will:
- Focus on the study of an introduction to cabin crew
- Offer breadth and depth of study, incorporating a key core of knowledge
- Provide opportunities to acquire a number of practical and technical skills.
Aims of the course
These are to:
- Understand the role of cabin crew
- Develop the knowledge and understanding relating to the work of cabin crew, including the duties carried out by cabin crew in the crew room
- Develop knowledge and understanding in airline health, safety and security
- Develop skills in selling products and services to passengers
- Learn how to deal with all types of passengers on-board aircraft.
- Develop the knowledge and understanding related to responding to planned and unplanned emergencies on-board aircraft.
- Employment rights and responsibilities and how these affect organisations.
- Gain skills and knowledge in making passenger announcements on-board aircraft.
Essential skills
While completing this qualification, learners may develop the knowledge, understanding and essential skills employers look for in employees. These range from familiar ‘key skills’ such as team working, independent learning and problem-solving, to more tricky-to-measure skills such as:
- An appreciation for appropriate behaviour and dress
- Appropriate interpersonal skills
- Communicating with professional colleagues/peers and/or hierarchical seniors
- Personal manners and deportment
- Understanding work practices and how different roles and departments function within an organisation.
To be awarded the NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Introduction to Cabin Crew, learners are required to successfully complete 7 units.
Mandatory units:
- Working as cabin crew
- Airline health, safety and security
- Aircraft emergency situations
- Dealing with passengers on board an aircraft
- Cabin service – selling techniques
- Making passenger announcements on board an aircraft
Optional Units could include:
- Employment rights and responsibilities in the passenger transport sector
How the course is delivered
This Level 2 Certificate in Introduction to Cabin Crew is delivered via blended learning. Learners also get full access to a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which provides access to case studies, learning materials and activities, presentations and web links. Online tutor support and guidance is provided throughout the course, where learners can interact with the tutors, get feedback on your progress and submit their work electronically. Face to face interactions will be conducted through video sessions or within the classroom environment.
After successful completion learners will be awarded an OFQUAL recognised qualification – Level 2 Certificate In Introduction To Cabin Crew
Career progression
Learners who achieve this qualification could progress to:
- Apply for Cabin crew roles within the airline industry
- NCFE Level 2 Award for Resort Representatives
- NCFE Level 2 Extended Certificate in Travel and Tourism
- NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Aviation
What kind of support do I get during the course?
- 24/7 online access to resources
- Practical exercises, short case studies and examples from the industry
- A subject expert who will give you feedback on your formative assessments and report.
- Access to library facilities for books, journals, whitepapers etc.
Entry requirements
There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification. However, learners may find it helpful if they’ve already achieved a Level 1 qualification.
This qualification is suitable for learners aged pre-16 and above.
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